CCADP membership consists of administrators of higher education. Members of the organization will have the opportunity to share professional interests and collectively promote the diversity and equity of Chinese Americans in higher education administration.
CCADP provides a variety of benefits to its membership including information exchange, referral, consultation, moral support, collaboration, resource sharing, friendship, leadership training, and professional promotion for its members.


Yi Li
Provost/Vice president for Academic Affairs at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York city
As soon as I learned about CCADP, I found the mission very close to my heart, its annual meetings wonderful networking opportunities, its featured speakers adding invaluable insights from their outstanding careers, the workshop very attractive leadership development. I’ve personally benefited from CCADP, have nominated several new leaders, and introduced chairs as well. CCADP is and will continue to be a force of diversifying higher Ed leadership for years to come! Thank you CCADP.

Joanne Li
Chancellor for University of Nebraska at Omaha
What drew me to CCADP in the beginning was its aspirational goal of bringing diversity to higher education. As I have grown professionally, I found fellowship and camaraderie in my colleagues. CCADP is my family. Our mission and vision have evolved responsibly and responsively through years. I am extremely proud of the leadership and my colleagues in CCADP. They have made an everlasting impact on the way I live my life. With deepest gratitude to CCADP

Honggang Yang
Professor and Dean Emeritus
Nova Southeastern University
Although CCADP’s initial formation took place in Washington, D.C. over Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. weekend in 2003, it is still so vivid in front of my eyes like it just happened yesterday. I appreciated the spirited discussions and thoughtful elaborations regarding the status quo of Chinese descent as an underrepresented group in Higher Education Administration. I’m delighted to see CCADP continuing to progress in community advocacy and civic engagement. It’s also been a labor of love sharing stories and reflections in person and online, learning so much from one another as fellow campus leaders. Hats off to CCADP!”
What is CCADP?CCADP is an independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan, professional organization. Its mission is to promote career development, develop leadership and management skills, and advance the welfare of all Chinese descents in American higher education administration. CCADP is registered in the State of Florida, USA. CCADP and its members will abide by the laws of the United States of America, including but not limited to classified information and homeland security/national interest requirements.
Who is the Council of Chinese American Deans and Presidents (CCADP)?CCADP members are administrators in accredited institutions of higher education in the United States who are Chinese descents and holding or had held a position of assistant dean or higher. According to the current membership directory of the organization, there are 10 provosts/vice presidents, 10 associate provosts/vice presidents, 20 deans, and 18 associate/assistant deans among its membership.
What are the membership requirements?A person is eligible for membership nomination if he or she is a Chinese descent and holds or held a position or the equivalent of assistant dean or above at an accredited institution of higher education in the United States. After a member nominates a candidate, the CCADP Board will review the nomination and inform the pertinent parties of the decision.
How much does the membership cost?Membership fee is $100 for one year. However, people can pay $200 to receive a three-year membership. The membership may be paid with a credit card or personal check.